Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Some Portuguese Surnames and Their Meanings

Here are some popular Portuguese surnames and their meanings:

Afonso - noble, ready for battle

Aguiar - haunt of eagles

Alberto - noble, bright

Albuquerque - white oak tree

Alcantara - arch or bridge

Aldeia - village

Alemao - German

Almeida - plateau

Alvares - all true

alves - all true

Amaral - black grapes

Ambrose - nectar

Amor - love

Andrade - estate of a man named Andreas

Aranaha - spider

Aurora - dawn

Baptista - wash

Azevedo - Someone who lives near holly bushes

Barboz - one who lives in bushes

Barcelos - a city in Portugal

Barco - Boat

Barnes - One who works at a barn

Barreto - mud

Barros - someone who lives on a patch of clay soil

Benedicto - Blessed

Benjamin - southerner, son of the south

Bennis - blessed

Bento - holy

Bacardo - A logical way of arguing

Botelho - A gatherer of seaweeds

Branco - white

Bruno - brown

Caeiro - lime maker

Caiado - whitewashed

Calado - quiet

Caldeira - cauldron

Calisto - unlucky

Camara - room

Campos - open land

Cardinho - small thistle

Cardoso - one who lives on a land of thistles

Caridade - charity

carlos - man

Carmo - orchard

Carneiro - sheep

Carrasco - hangman, executioner

Carvalho - oak tree

Castanha - chestnut

Castelino - castle

Catao - austere man

Cavaco - peeler

Cereja - cherry

Chico - small

Clement - merciful

Coelho - rabbit

Colaco - foster brother

Coma - head with hair

Conceicao - conception

Concesso - permitted

Corda - rope

Cordeiro - lamb

Cordo - wise

Correia - leather strap

Corte - cut

Cortez - polite

Costa - remark

Coutinho - small shelter

Couto - shelter

Crasta - courtyard

Crasto - palace

Criado - foster child

Cruz - Cross

Cunha - wedge

Dantas - someone who lives near pillers

Delgado - a thin person

Dias - days

Diniz - follower

Dourado - golden

Dourte - forture guard

Egipsy - Egyptian

Esperance - hope

Eseves - crown

Facho - torch

Falcao - hawk

Felizardo - lucky

Ferndinando - brave expedition

Fernandes -brave expedition

Ferrao - sting

Ferraz - fruitful

Ferreira - sea-bream

Fialho - fine thread

Figueira - fig tree

Figueiredo - orchard of fig trees

Fonseca - stream

Fores - strong

Fragoso - craggy

Francisco - Frenchman

Franco - free

Freitas - rocky ground

Frias - cold

Furtado - stolen

Gama - doe

Gomes - man

Gonsalves - safe bottle

Gouveia - city of Portugal

Gracias - charming

Granjo long-legged

Guarda - guard

Guia - guide

Guiao - banner

Henriques - home power

Heredia - ancestral estates

Jacques - He will trip by the heel

Joanes - Yahweh is gracious

Joao - Yahweh is gracious

Jorge - farmer

Lacerda - thick haired person

Lazarus - may God help him

Leitao - a sucking ping

Leite - milk

Lemos - elm

Lewis - fame war

Lima - a file

Lobato - small wolf

Lobo - wolf

Lopes - wolf

Lourenco - a town in Italy

Louzado - made o flat stones

Loyola - a city of Spain

Luis - French gold coin

Machado - axe

Madeira - timber

Marcal - war god

Marques - someone who lives near a boundary

Martha/Madtha - weasel

Martins - Roman god of war

Mascarenhas - Umbrella

Matias - gift of God

Melo - black bird

Mendes - entire tribute

Mendocna - a cold mountain

Menezes - battlement

Mergulhao - a wine branch turned bow shape

Mesquita - mosque

Messias - annointed

Milagres - miracle

Miranda - lovely

Monserrate - a city of Spain

Monte - hill

Moneiro - hunter

Morais/Moras - One who lives near mulberry rush

Moreira - mulberry tree

Murzello - black colour

Nazareth/Nazare - to guard

Neto - grandson

Nogueira - someone who lives near walnut tree

Norris - northerner

Norton - enclosure

Novais - land recently cleared

Olivera - Olive tree

Ozorio - mountain

Pacheco - fat man

Pais sea

Paiva - someone living by the river Paiva in Portugal

Paixao - Passion

Palha - straw

Palmeira - palm tree

Parado - stopped

Parras - someone who lives by an enclosure

Patrao - Patron

Paula - small

Pegado - glued

Peixoto - a kind of fish

Penha - rock

Pereira - grower or seller of pears

Peres/Pires - rock

Picardo - someone from Picardy in north France

Piedade - piety

Pimenta - pepper

Pinheiro - pine tree

Pinho - pine wood

Pinto - small chicken

Po - dust

Pontes - someone who lived near a bridge

Prazeres - joy

Proenca - province

Queiroz - a place in west Spain

Raposo - male fox

Rato - rat

Ratos - rats

Rebelo - a projecting strip of land

Rego - furro

Reis - small coin in Portugal

Remedios - remedy

Ribeiro - someone who lives near a river

Ricardo - strong power

Rivera - river

Rocha - rock

Rodrigues - renown power

Rosa - rose

Rosario - rosary

Sa - someone employed at a manor house

Sacrafamilia - holy family

Salem - salutation

Sales - salty

Sanches - saint

Santis - holy

Santa Maria - Holy Mary

Santomaior - great saint

Santos - saint

Sardinha - sardine

Seixas - someone who lives by a patch of dry land

Serra - someone who lives on hills

Silva - someone who lives in wood

Silvano - wood

Silveira - someone who lives in a wood

Simoes - yahweh has heard

Soares - a person with a reddish hair

Sobrinho - nephew

Sousa/souza - salt marsh

Tauro - bull

Teixeira - someone who lives near yew tree

Teles - saddle cloth

Torrado - toasted

Torres - tower

Trindade - trinity

Tuscano - someone from Tuscany in Italy

Vales - valley

Varela - stick

Veiga - meadow

Velho - advanced in years

Veloso - hairy

Vieira - scallop

Xavier - a new house

Portuguese Costumes

I thought it might be fun to post some old postcards I've gathered on the interent or in my travels over the years of Azorian and Portuguese costumes.  The first batch are typical costumes from all over Portugal.  The second batch are specifically from the Azore Islands, where my family originated.

Versions of many of these postcards are for sale
on www.canalblog.com

Country Girls

Oil Vendor

Newspaper Magazine Vendors

Fish Vendors

Chicken Vendor

Water Man

Women in Capotes

Woman in capote on burro

Women in Capote - Fayal

Traditional costumes of Sao Miguel

Carrying Water  -  San Miguel

Carrying Water - S. Miguel

Man and Woman costumes - San Miguel

Women of Fayal and San Miguel

Woman and Girl in Capotes

Man in Capote de palha

Woman with Ox Cart

Costumes of the Fields